Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I've walked and walked and walked with Walk it Out.  I wish they'd come out with a new version or that somebody else would create a knock off.   I'm tired of the same old thing.  I've read so many posts that say the same thing.  Fans of Walk it Out are very supportive of a new version.

So I've tried some of my dancing games.  Dancing on Broadway is still fun, but I don't want to do it for 30 - 60 minutes.  I'm sure if I did it more I'd get better at the dances, but even though it's hilarious and is very lenient in scoring (picking up motions where I go that away when the dancers go this away) it makes me feel very uncoordinated.  I mean even more uncoordinated than I actually am.

The last 2 workout days I used Dancing with The Stars and it's fun but there's a lot you have to skip, like the judging because once you've heard it a few times, you've heard enough.  And it's frustrating some times because it has difficulty picking up a few of the gestures especially the mashed potato and bang the door.  I can't tell what I'm doing wrong because I can't see that I'm doing anything different when it reads it than when the Wii doesn't read it.  I have learned to do the up motion which is more of a gentle flick than the down, left, or right movements.