When you point the Wii remote on a capsule it will tell you what is inside and how many chip you need to open it. (The capsules won’t “open” till you actually click on them.)
There are two ways to “buy” a capsule.
- Walk until you have enough chips to buy it immediately. When you click on a capsule the “price” of the item will be deducted from your chips and the item will open.
- Select it on the lay-away plan. Next to the chip counter are 3 grey balls. When you click on an event capsule before you have earned enough chips to buy it, the item inside the capsule will appear in one of the balls. When you’ve walked enough steps, the item will disappear from the ball and your counter will start over. The next time you walk past the place where you selected the item, the event capsule will be glowing and when you point the remote at it you will see the item but not the number of chips. Click on it and the item will appear if it’s a structure. You may also get a message from the avatar trainer about the item. You can put up to 3 items in lay-away at one time.
There are six different capsules.
Route capsules: these are yellow circles with an arrow in them. They open up new routes on the island giving you more places to explore and different ways to get there.
Construction capsules: these capsules are orange with a little building in them. These let you build the island with buildings, trees, bridges, an airship, and more.
Music capsules: they look like little green CDs. You start off with 15 songs and you’ll soon get tired of hearing them over and over so start collecting music discs right away. There are 4 discs per song.
Zodiac capsules: these capsules are blue dots with a white star in the middle of them. They build constellations in the night sky. It takes several capsules to build one constellation.
Magic Clock capsules: these capsules are brown clock faces. They allow you to change the time of day. Some capsules are only around at certain times so at some point in the game you’ll need to change times to collect all the capsules and complete the island. You can also change times to walk in sunshine in the middle of the night or to walk at night in the middle of the day.
Rainbow capsules: These are FREE! They are just diffent colored balls with no icons. You need to collect seven different colors to build a rainbow.
Most of the capsules only take one click to build. However, it takes multiple capsules to unlock the constellations, music, and magic clocks. Different capsules appear at different times of the day. You can find schedules for the constellation, music, and magic clock capsules at Konami's web site . Look for the question “Where can I find X capsule”. The schedules will tell you where and when to find the capsules.