Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm back

I'm taking 2 on-line courses and working out with the Wii for 30 - 60 minutes most days so I don't have much time for blogging.

I've almost finished building the Island for Walk It Out and I learned some thing I wish I'd know when I started.

I used to ignore all the capsules for the Magic Clock.  I thought I'd never need them.  WRONG!  Now that I'm near the end sometimes there's nothing left for me to build - until I change the Magic Clock and go to a new "time zone" where I find a few more songs, zodiac signs, and buildings.  I've only got about 50 more buildings left to build, but I still haven't collected half the Magic Clock times and well over half the zodiac signs (which I also ignored.)

I'll know better next time.

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